National Women’s Council of Ireland Annual General Meeting
Published: Thursday, April 14, 2011

The NWCI AGM will take place in Dublin on the 23rd June.
Keynote speaker at the event will be Kathleen Lynch, TD, Minister of State, Department of Health and Department of Justice, Equality & Defence with responsibility for Disability, Equality & Mental Health .
We would encourage members to put forward motions that are in line with the Strategic Plan of the organisation. A copy of the draft Strategic Plan is available here. Please refer to this plan to ensure that the work of the NWCI is carried out in a focused and strategic manner; resources are used efficiently; and the best interests of our members are served.
A motion can be a request for:
- support
- NWCI to take action
- affirmation
The official call for motions and the template for submission of motions were sent out today, Friday 15th April.
Deadline for Motions, 5.00pm, 12th May